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9 Free Mental Health Resources You Should Know About

If you're feeling it, someone else is too. Here's how to find your community and the comfort they can provide.

Struggling with Anxiety

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America offers free, anonymous online peer-to-peer communities for those suffering from mental health disorders. You can find support, share stories, and connect with others who have had similar experiences. Prefer to meet in person? Check out their state-by-state list of support groups on the ADAA's website.

Struggling with Depression or Bipolar Disorder

The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance provides resources to locate both in-person and online support groups. Visit their site at dbsalliance.org to find the right group for you.

Struggling with Schizophrenia

The Schizophrenia & Psychosis Action Alliance offers nationwide support groups. You can find one on their site at sczaction.org. Additionally, they host phone groups at 7 P.M. ET on Sunday, Thursday, and Friday. Call 855-640-8271 and use the passcode 88286491# to join.

Plagued by Obsessive-Compulsive Thoughts and Behaviors

The International OCD Foundation lists over 200 support groups for those affected by OCD and their families. Find a group near you at iocdf.org.

Grieving Someone Who Died by Suicide

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention hosts numerous groups for survivors of suicide loss. Explore your options at afsp.org.

A Survivor of Rape, Sexual Assault, or Incest

After Silence is a message board and chat room dedicated to victims of sexual violence. Connect with others at aftersilence.org.

Battling Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating, or Food Addiction

Eating Disorder Hope offers a catalog of online support groups and resources for those struggling with eating disorders and their loved ones. Visit eatingdisorderhope.com for more information.


DailyStrength hosts a web forum where people dealing with self-injury can find encouragement, understanding, and new ways to cope. Join the community at dailystrength.org.

A Veteran Who is Injured or Has PTSD

The VA Combat Call Center is available 24/7 at 877-WAR-VETS (877-927-8387), staffed by fellow combat veterans or spouses of disabled veterans who can offer immediate help. The Vet Center program provides both group and private counseling sessions; find more information at vetcenter.va.gov.

Remember, you are not alone. Reach out and connect with those who understand what you're going through.