If You Don’t Quit You Win!

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#%@&! The Stigma

Someone you love, value, and care deeply about has a mental illness.

It is mathematically impossible that this is not true.

According to the national institute of health: one out of 4 adults has some form of mental illness. And almost half of kids between ages 10-23 will experience a mental health crisis.

The stigma surrounding mental illness is nothing short of a travesty. People are shamed, ostracized, and discriminated against simply because they struggle with mental health issues. This stigma perpetuates a culture of silence, where people suffer in silence instead of getting the help they need. It's time to stand up and fight against the stigma of mental illness. We need to educate ourselves and others about mental health and create a society that is inclusive and accepting of everyone, regardless of their mental health status.

Mental illness is not a weakness. It's not a personal failure. It's a medical condition that deserves to be treated with the same level of respect and compassion as any physical illness. The stigma surrounding mental illness only perpetuates the idea that people with mental health issues are somehow less worthy or less capable than those without. But the truth is that people with mental illness can and do lead fulfilling, productive lives when they receive the appropriate support and care. We need to break down the walls of stigma and create a world where mental health is treated equally to physical health.

We can no longer sit idly by and watch as people are ridiculed, ostracized, and discriminated against simply because they struggle with mental health. We can no longer allow the stigma of mental illness to be perpetuated by ignorance and fear. It's time to take a stand and show the world that mental health is just as important as physical health. It's time to educate ourselves and others about mental illness's realities and demand that everyone be treated with dignity and respect.

Overcoming the stigma of mental illness will require courage, determination, and a willingness to speak truth to power. It will require us to challenge our own biases and assumptions about mental health and to open our hearts to the struggles of others. It will require us to be compassionate and understanding, even when we don't fully understand what someone is going through. But most of all, it will require us to be persistent and unwavering in our commitment to creating a world where mental illness is not stigmatized but accepted as a normal part of the human experience.

Talking about your mental illness is not only a form of self-care but also a radical act of defiance against the stigma surrounding mental health. By speaking up and sharing your struggles, you're challenging the status quo and demanding that society take mental health seriously. In addition, you're advocating for yourself and others who may not have the strength or opportunity to speak out. So, speak your truth, own your story, and let your voice be heard. It's time to break the silence and end the shame and stigma that too often accompanies mental illness.

If you want a safe place to share your story, our platform at If You Don't Quit You Win is available. We want to hear your story. Others on a similar journey need your story.

Please email us at: shannon@ifyoudontquityouwin.com