If You Don’t Quit You Win!

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Failure is NOT an Option... Unless You Want to Succeed


Apparently they were wrong. Because the guy who is given credit for saying that (Gene Kranz) was talking about the Apollo 13 landing. And maybe he didn't know but Apollo 13 was NASA’s third attempt to land on the moon.

Oh, you gotta love those motivational quotes that paint failure as the enemy! "Failure is not an option," they say. Well, newsflash: failure is not only an option, failure is as natural as breathing! Trying to run away from it is like trying to outrun your own shadow.

The good news is, if you're breathing air you will fail. Embrace failure, my friends, and let it be your faithful teacher. How else are we supposed to grow, learn, and evolve if not through our stumbles and missteps? So, let's throw "failure is not an option" and the shame it brings out the window and welcome our mistakes with open arms. Because guess what? Failure is not only an option; it's a mandatory pit stop on the road to success!