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How coaches can tackle mental health stigma

Stigma causes people to feel ashamed for something that is out of their control. Worst of all, stigma prevents people from seeking the help they need. And while stigma has reduced in recent years, the pace of progress has NOT been quick enough.

As a life long athlete, former NCAA athlete and high school football and track coach for over 20 years Its time that ALL coaches stand up, stand in and stand out for mental health. When we have a star running back with a bruised muscle we specialize his training and care to accommodate something out of his control so he can perform when it is necessary. I understand the challenge being both a coach and someone who deals with a mental health challenge. Because, my mental health challenge is not easily identifiable. My limp isn’t physical. But I, as a coach am tired of attending athletes funerals or watching athletes with incredible opportunities in their future self destruct because they do not know how to handle the pressure and I just don’t know how to help them. And doing nothing because I don’t know what to do has never been the mantra of a successful athlete. What makes us successful on the field or track is the same thing that will make us successful in this arena. Find a way, dig deep, leverage our gift and win.

The problem is that the culture of sport and, more broadly, notions strength contribute to the stigma surrounding mental illness. They both encourage a “harden up” culture, creating an expectation that people should be able to maintain emotional stability in the face of adversity.

So what can be done?

Here are six ways we as coaches can reduce stigma surrounding mental health in sports:

Coaching Education

Information on mental health issues can be included in coaching education systems and conferences. Mental health related issues are serious medical concerns that the majority of coaches are not qualified to handle much like many physical injuries and illness. Being properly informed and knowing how to approach and manage these health concerns will enable them to help many athletes.

What is ‘mental toughness’?

The definition here is extremely important. Mental toughness is a quality that successful athletes have, but what does it mean to be mentally tough?

Often athletes struggle with this question. Is an athlete mentally tough if they suffer from periods of low self-esteem and depression? Is an athlete mentally tough if they have trouble dealing with excessive anxiety when competing? Is an athlete mentally tough if they have emotional reactions that seem out of the norm?

These behaviors can be symptoms of different mental health issues. Low self-esteem, low energy and withdrawal are signs of depression. Excessive anxieties are experienced in several types of anxiety disorders. Emotional reactions that seem out of the norm are symptomatic of bipolar illness.

None of those behaviors mean that an athlete is not mentally tough. Dealing with these challenges in a positive and effective way actually fit the definition of ‘mental toughness’.

Athletes and coaches alike need to have clarity around this term so it is not looked at as an “either/or” scenario.

Define Mental Toughness with Clarity

  • Resilience.

  • Persistence.

  • Tolerance of discomfort.

  • Confidence.

  • Consistency.

  • Performing Under Pressure

These are all components of mental toughness. But the ability of the toughest athletes to act in these ways can ebb and flow.

These traits are communicated clearly when mental toughness is defined. With this awareness, athletes and coaches are better equipped to correctly identify persistence, rather than an experience of extreme personal struggle.

There is a difference between pushing through discomfort and training with an injury. The former is necessary for an athlete to grow and improve. The latter can have a detrimental effect on the longevity of an athlete’s career.

Mental health should be seen in the same way — there is a difference between “changing your mindset” and dealing with depression.

Let’s face it — there are times we have to suck it up and push through. Just not all the time.

Talk About It

Mental health can be an uncomfortable topic, but the only way to reduce stigma is to actually talk about it. Discussing mental health in a supportive and positive environment — the type of environment we strive for in a team — is a wonderful place to start.

An effective tactic is to bring in guest speakers — a sports psychologist or an athlete who has successfully overcome mental health challenges.

Watch Your Language

“Crazy”, “insane”, “psycho”, “nuts” and “loony” are words often used to describe mental health. But it is this type of language that contributes to, and ultimately reinforces stigma.

There are many words that describe race, which are — and should be — unacceptable to use. The same approach should be taken when using words that harbor negative feelings and prejudice towards mental health.

Celebrate individual differences

When we celebrate and embrace the unique qualities of each individual, both their strengths and weaknesses alike, we allow each person to know they are a valued part of the team. This is especially important for those with mental health concerns, who quite often view themselves as abnormal, and are ashamed of how they think and feel.

Become an Advocate

With 1 in 5 people experiencing mental health issues and 48.6% of youth and young adults will face a mental health crisis, there is a good chance that someone close to you is facing that challenge, whether you know it or not.

This should be a huge motivating factor to advocate for reducing stigma.

How do you become and advocate as a coach. Do something today. One thing. Schedule a guest speaker, talk about it yourself, reach out to the young athlete you know is facing a crisis to let him or her know they are not alone. But start today.