If You Don’t Quit You Win!

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Just Be Nice!

Kindness in words creates confidence and motivation.  Kindness in thinking creates positivity and possibility.  Kindness in giving creates strength and love.  Through kindness you have the ability to make a profound difference in every life you touch, including your own.  When you guide someone who is lost and confused, when your with someone who is sad and grieving, when you hug someone who has lost all their hope, you too will feel yourself healing and growing stronger.

Ill be honest with you, I haven’t done a very good job of dealing with the wounds from my past. In fact for most of my life I just ignored them. Its only recently that I have finally received the help that is actually allowing me to deal with and heal from the wounds created decades ago. Before you read the rest of this chapter please know that in no way am I advocating avoidance. Until you deal with your past, your past will always effect your present. 

For 27 years I have on most days spent my time serving, helping, teaching, encouraging, and loving other people. I have had the privilege of meeting a high school drop out who was a witness in a murder trial and a drug dealer and walk with him until today he is a husband a father and the pastor of a large English speaking church in one of the worlds largest cities. I have had the privilege of comforting a mother and father as they were forced to make the impossible decision of taking their newborn off life support. I have had the privilege of being part of feeding 800 families a week. I have had the privilege of holding a teenager who had just lost their parents. I have had the privilege of rescuing a toddler out of sex trafficking. I consider my life blessed for the many moments I have been part of and the kindness that I was able to share.

I believe and ask you to consider. My ability to live a productive life in spite of my difficult past is directly connected to my decision to share kindness with others. The hope that I have is connected to the hope that I give.

If today you make a commitment to intentionally live for something or someone bigger than yourself you will walk away with hope for yourself and others. Who do you know that needs a helping hand or encouraging friend today. Don’t wait, do it. What injustice in your world ignites something in your heart? Don’t wait, get involved today. What negative thought or words have you just been telling yourself for far too long? Don’t wait, go find a mirror and tell yourself how amazing your really are! Just be nice, to you, to others, to your world and hope will fill your heart and strengthen you through the toughest days of your life.

“So do your little bit of good right where you are, because it’s these little bits of good put together that change the world.” -Desmond Tutu