If You Don’t Quit You Win!

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All you need is LOL

What always begins with “W” and ends with “T”?

You are correct…

Ok, I’m a dad so I have a license to tell dad jokes. However it’s well-known that laughter is a great stress-reliever, and a regular dose of ‘funny’ can do us the world of good. But what happens when we’re feeling low and struggle to find the ‘funny’ side?

In the words of philosopher and psychologist William James: “We don’t laugh because we’re happy, we are happy because we laugh.” As he observed more than a century ago, laughter makes us feel good. And today, we’re still exploring the many health benefits and embracing concept of laughter and our mental health.

Laughter prompts a plethora of physical and emotional changes in the body. It triggers our bodies to release the ‘happy chemicals’ dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins – so we’re literally flooded with positive emotions. At the same time, it reduces stress levels and creates a relaxation response. We take in more oxygen which stimulates our internal organs, strengthening our immune system, and it even increases our tolerance to pain – the internal shift is noticeable. In fact, merely anticipating laughter can jump-start some of the positive changes in the body, so it’s no wonder we turn to humor as a coping mechanism.

So, how can we reap these amazing benefits, and bring more humor into our lives?

1. Make a commitment to laugh more

It might feel strange ‘deciding’ to laugh more (isn’t laughter spontaneous?), but to change any aspect of our lives requires a shift in our thoughts, desires, and beliefs. Make the conscious decision to laugh more and picture the outcome – a life filled with fun, light-heartedness and playfulness. This can be done in numerous ways, such as being with certain friends, watching funny movies, or playing with friends/children/pets.

2. Know your go-to sources of laughter

Whether you turn to comedy, dad jokes, or your pet’s playfulness, make a list of what really makes you laugh – and start banking them! Save funny videos on YouTube, compile a list of your favorite stand-up. I personally have a few friends I know if I call, I will laugh.

3. Keep a laughter journal

Reflecting on the things that brought a smile to our faces is a great way to relive those moments. The very memory of something that made us laugh can make us laugh again! Get yourself a pocket-size notebook, and start jotting down every time you laugh. Read the journal each night and reflect on all that positivity in your life.

4. Help others to laugh

Lifting other people’s spirits is the quickest way to lift your own. And you really don’t need to be a comedian to get people giggling. Creating an environment for fun and laughter is often enough to bring out the humorous side in people. So try to be the initiator of fun: suggest a game, look up a couple ridiculous dad jokes and tell them throughout the day (people roll their eyes but everyone loves a good dad joke), act the fool. Your willingness to look on the playful side of life will remind those around you that it’s OK to find humor in all situations.

And it’s always worth gaining some perspective, and remembering that life on this Earth is as deeply profound as it is absolute nonsense. We all go about our lives doing the laughable things. Step back and see the ridiculousness in it all. Welcome the humor in being imperfectly, awkwardly, human.