Coaching an Athlete to Win Emotionally
If an athlete breaks an arm or twists an ankle, we understand the need to recover, to take some time off to rest and rejuvenate. Do we use this same approach when it comes to mental health?
Athletes may face the same pressures and anxieties as other non-athlete students. Their strength, athleticism, and agility promotes a healthy lifestyle but health isn’t only about physical well-being– psychological, emotional, and social wellness are equally important. Our thoughts, behaviors, and actions are so deeply intertwined with our physical abilities. When the mind is enduring stress, the body will most likely manifest stress as well.
Athletes, in particular, become accustomed to working under stressful situations. Whether it’s pushing through another drill on the court or finding a last reserve of strength to push past a competitor on the field, athletes often push their bodies to their limits because of their drive to succeed. This can lead to significant stress, of body, mind, and spirit. Ongoing stress that isn’t effectively managed can lead to mental health disorders and unhealthy coping mechanisms. Mental health issues are commonly masked and often go untreated, often as a result of the stigma, or being seen as “weak”.
As a former athlete and long time coach I am aware that it is essential that we push an athlete to find their limitations. But what happens if we push too far? How do we respond if and athlete is injured as a result of that pushing? At If You Don’t Quit You Win, we value, caring for the athletes wholistic well-being as well as equipping coaches to see the signs and stressors and know how to respond. Our team not only has over 100 years of combined experience of managing our mental, emotional and social well being we have decades of high level athletic experience and coaching. We are practitioners at enhanced skills to help athletes improve their self-esteem, reduce impact of mental illness, and learn strategies to build resilience and navigate complex challenges of owning your health.
Asking for help is a sign of strength, never a sign of weakness. We are here to help and support you along your unique journey.
How can we be more mindful about ways to support our athletes?
1. Recognize the signs.
Athletes may be struggling if they exhibit the following signs.
Poor sleep and eating habits
Poor sports performance
Lack of commitment to school work
Bas attitude towards life in general
2. Build awareness of common stressors.
Any sudden change in mood or well-being could be a sign that your athlete may be struggling.
Engaging in unrealistic body expectations
Holding up to the pressure of being talented
Grounding their identity around being an athlete and believing failing in a sport means that they are failing as a person
Learned habits that can lead to perfectionism
Grieving the sport they once played
3. Consider talking to a professional.
We say often: HELP, HELPS! The good news is 3,000 scientific studies and 300 summaries of studies underscore the consistent and positive effects of mental health care. Talking about issues is the first step in developing strategies to build a happier, less stressful life.
Provides opportunity to engage in open and honest dialogue
Allows for reflection and deeper understanding of issues with an enriched perspective
Builds the motivation to enact positive change and improve the quality of our life
We go to the gym to build muscle and increase stamina. Therapy is its own type of gym, a “mental gym”, or space to work out our thoughts and feelings to enhance the emotional muscle that prevents burnout and improves well-being.
Getting athletes the help they need to manage their stress, anxiety, or other mental health concerns will not only allow sports and activities to become more fun and manageable but helping young people build healthy coping skills, to learn to care for both the physical and physiological components of their well-being, will help them design a more resilient life, both on and off the field.
Now, Go Win The Day!