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Success Saturday - Winston Churchill

Churchill accepted his mental condition, asked his doctor for help and helped to benefit the lives of many people. In 1911, Churchill pushed through periods of depression and began to prepare Great Britain for war. He established the Royal Naval Air Service after noting Germany’s growing hostile nature, anticipating an imminent conflict (World War I). Churchill’s depression is believed to have increased his realism and empathy, helping him assess the true dangers that were otherwise overlooked by his colleagues. Similarly during World War II, Churchill’s heightened skepticism allowed him to realistically evaluate the ever-growing German threat. In World War II, Churchill kept his “black dog on a leash” (his nickname for his mental illness) and kept British spirits high. Regularly delivering rallying speeches to Parliament and British citizens, Churchill soon became an iconic leader of the war effort against the Axis powers. Churchill’s foresight and inspirational influences undoubtedly saved the lives of many people and may have even changed the courses of both World War I and World War II. Churchill inadvertently benefitted from his depressive episodes and, his manic episodes. Granted with a rare surge of energy, activity, and restlessness, Churchill published 43 books while upholding his duties as acting Prime Minister. The pinnacle of Churchill’s career as a writer was his acceptance of the 1953 Nobel Prize in Literature, which honored a number of his published works.

Churchill’s unbelievable accomplishments are proof that, despite being challenged with bipolar disorder, individuals in today’s society can still achieve great things. Churchill’s adamant nature towards his depression and advantageous use of his mania can motivate those of us overcoming our own mental health challenges and show that it is possible to overcome impairments and pursue excellence. Churchill’s hardheadedness to his disorder benefitted the Allied Powers in World War I, the Allies during World War II, and his literary endeavors. Just like Buzz Aldrin, Theodore Roosevelt, Ted Turner, and many other historic figures who suffered from bipolar disorder, Winston Churchill overcame his manic-depressive illness and lived a life of success and fulfillment.