If You Don’t Quit You Win!

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If you’re going to share the rah rah, at least include the how

I've seen a lot of posts I believe are of good intentions, trying to motivate the masses...

They sound like this :

"if you don't come out of this with a new skill, side hustle or etc you never lacked time you lack discipline or something of that nature.

Just remember there are many many individuals who are in a different mental space. And the capacity to start anything new while you are managing anxiety, depression or other mental illness while taking care of their home, children, career is just not there... Especially when massive change and uncertainty is happening all around them.

What happens is they feel more guilt and shame when they read posts like that.

Some people don't have to "do" anything right now other than love themselves & others where they are at... And do their best with what they currently have at hand

I've been on both sides of this coin. For sure in the past I've even been the one to post the "just do it" quotes.

What I've noticed is the harm (feeling ashamed) is of greater impact than the good. People will find their motivation when they look for it. But a random shaming during a social media scroll can be detrimental if a mentally ill-equipped individual reads it, deposits it as "they're right. Maybe I'm just not good enough"


I just ask for awareness. And if you're going to share the rah rah, at least try to include the "how" ... Or a short story of how you once overcame a great challenge...

Because sometimes some people just don't know how in the current state they happen to be in.

Yes maybe it IS a choice.. But maybe not. And perhaps even if your mental state IS a choice, it sure as hell doesn't feel like it when you're deep in the hole


A little more encouragement, a little less judgement or shaming 🤷‍♀️

Just a thought. I could be wrong. But then again... Someone may have needed to hear this