Our Team


Shannon Kapp

Shannon has spent the last 30 years as a motivational speaker, leader, and coach. He has worked with individuals, nonprofits, corporate America, schools, and churches. His experience and reach are diverse and have taken him around the world, speaking to over two million people in his lifetime. Shannon's honesty, candor, and wisdom motivate his listeners to not give up on dreams. Instead, to reimagine a fulfilling future. To capitalize on both strengths and weaknesses to accomplish goals and stay motivated. His mission is to share his life story with and after mental illness offering the tools and wisdom he has learned along the way.

Shannon is from the Pacific Northwest and attended USC; his knowledge gained on the field has fueled his life-long love for coaching others to be their best and overcome every obstacle.

Shannon's life and message are simple yet life-changing. If you don't quit, you win.

Shannon B. Kapp

Founder, Emotional, Mental Health Advocate, Champion and Motivator


Erin Kenyon

Erin has been mentoring and encouraging her community and those across the US in small group and individual settings since 2010.

She is currently active in her mission to promote total mind & body wellness through the means of physical fitness and mindset coaching- taking what’s learned in the gym, on the field, etc and applying it to every day life.

Her passion is helping individuals and families find, practice and implement simple solutions that lead to more satisfying and productive days.

She studied 2 years of human ecology before going on to complete her science degree with honors in the field of Kinesiology & Fitness Development.

Erin knew growing up that she had unique challenges but considered them to be “circumstantial.” It wasn’t until the age of 33 that she was diagnosed with mental illness- adult ADHD, acute PTSD, Major depressive disorder, High functioning Anxiety and disordered eating. When a medication made her conditions worse, she knew there was a different way for her and she found strategies that worked for her specific needs. These came in the form of community, routine and a disciplined self care regimen.

Three of her core philosophies are there is no failure; only feedback, “resilience is a super power” and your circumstances, past or illness does not define you! With this mindset Erin has been able to not only live a healthy and productive life but has grown a successful health and wellness business, taking others with her along the way. She’s spoken in front of large crowds, overcome many life challenges and what some would consider set backs but continues to thrive no matter the circumstance. She’s a specialist in Functional Movement, is a lifestyle & business mentor and most notably has been given the executive position of of a multi-million dollar global company, serving as CCO (Chief Content Officer) of Live Streaming Fitness.

Erin also has a unique walk with her teenage child who is navigating her own mental illness and understands first hand the need to partner and build community with other parents who need to know they are not alone in this fight.

“This is endurance training. And resilience is your super power”

Erin Kenyon

CCO Live-streaming Fitness

Mental Health Advocate, Champion, Coach & mentor

Jordan Dotson

Jordan is a gifted storyteller that draws from real life experiences to communicate hope. Jordan has served in leadership capacities for over 15 years having the privilege of speaking to 10’s of thousands of individuals. He has spent time encouraging business owners in cooperate America, Church and Para Church organizations, Schools, and Communities across America. He takes joy in helping people find their next right steps, holding to his core value that “every person has a story and every story has a purpose”.

Jordan was a United States Marine, and Graduated with a degree in Church Ministries from South Western Assemblies of God University.

He is a proud husband, and father to two adventurous boys. He considers this to be his greatest life achievement.

Jordan has done all of this while grappling with Mental Illness. He has a passion to help others learn to overcome mental health struggles to experience a fullness in their lives.

“every person has a story and every story has a purpose”

Jordan Dotson

Mental Health Advocate, Champion, & Motivator