Raising Mentally Healthy Kids: What You Can—and Can’t—Control
There are some things in parenting you can’t control.
You can’t control the genetic hand your child has been dealt. Some kids are born with a predisposition to anxiety, depression, or other mental health struggles. That’s not your fault. But there’s something you can control—the environment you create. And that? That changes everything.

How You Can Make a Difference in the Fight Against Suicide
Suicide is one of the most heartbreaking crises of our time. It’s the second leading cause of death among teens and young adults, claiming thousands of lives every year. But here’s the good news: you can help. You don’t need a degree in psychology or a big platform to make a difference. What you need is a compassionate heart and a willingness to take action.

Asking for Help is a Power Move
Life gets hard—like, punch-you-in-the-face hard. And for some reason, when the hits keep coming, society has convinced us to suffer in silence. We’re supposed to be strong, to “push through,” to keep posting those filtered wins like nothing’s wrong. News flash: Nobody’s winning all the time. (Sorry, Ludacris, Rick Ross, and Snoop, but you’re full of shit on this one.)

Navigating the Holidays as a Single Parent: Grace for the Journey
The holidays can be hard. For single parents, they can feel like a minefield of emotions—joy, grief, loneliness, and everything in between. If that’s you, I want to take a moment to say: I see you.

You Don’t Have to Have All the Answers to Be Part of the Solution
What kind of person do you want to be?

The Gift of Being a Good Neighbor This Holiday Season
As the holidays approach—Thanksgiving only about 21 days away and Christmas following close behind—we’re surrounded by messages about this being “the most wonderful time of the year.” Many look forward to celebrations filled with family, food, gifts, and the comfort of loved ones. But for some, this season is anything but wonderful.

How to Step Up for Your Community in Times of Crisis
When crisis hits, it can be hard to know where to start. This guide is for everyone—individuals, organizations, churches, and businesses—who want to make a meaningful impact but need direction on how to respond effectively.

Rebuilding When Life Falls Apart
When I was in crisis, I discovered I had two options: drown in it or claw my way up and out. It’s easy to say “rebuild,” but when the floor drops out, “rebuild” sounds impossible. So let’s get real: no amount of advice erases pain. But if you’re looking for a way forward, this is it—one step at a time.

Practical Compassion: How to Meet Real Needs During a Crisis
A crisis doesn’t always make the news—it’s any event or situation that disrupts someone’s life, whether it’s sudden or ongoing. Often, those in crisis are right around us, maybe next door. When we respond with compassion, we create a profound impact in their lives. Here’s how you can make a difference.

When the Headlines Fade: The Forgotten Crisis and Why They Still Matter
It’s easy to feel moved when a crisis hits the news—whether it’s a natural disaster, refugees fleeing war, or a celebrity suicide, headlines make us pause and care. But what happens after the cameras stop rolling and the headlines fade? Does the need just disappear?

JUST SAY YES: The Healing Power of Showing Up
Whether it’s walking through a war zone delivering food or sitting with someone who’s lost everything in a natural disaster, the truth remains the same—presence heals more than words ever will. When people are lost in grief, trauma, or crisis, words can often sound hollow. There’s a time for words, sure. But in those raw moments of brokenness, what people need most is someone who’s willing to sit with them in the mess.

The Power of Helping Others: A Path to Emotional Health
In a world that often feels overwhelming, it’s easy to get caught up in our own struggles and challenges. But one of the most transformative things you can do for your emotional well-being is to step outside of yourself and serve others.

Self-Efficacy for the Digital Age: How to Thrive Without Getting Buried in Comparison
In a world where you can’t escape the digital landscape, how do you maintain your self-efficacy—your belief in your ability to get things done, to push through, to succeed? More importantly, how do you stop letting external validation define your internal worth? Let’s dive in.

Share Your Voice: Become a Writer for the 'If You Don’t Quit, You Win' Blog!
We’re looking to expand our community of writers and invite people like YOU to join us in this important work. Whether you’ve personally experienced mental health struggles, walked alongside someone through difficult seasons, or have professional expertise, your voice matters.

Building on the Rock: Preparing for Seasonal Depression Before the Storm
The seasons are changing, and while the fall brings cool mornings, warm afternoons, and beautiful colors, winter is right around the corner. As I write this, we have about 81 days before winter officially begins, but the chill in the air is already signaling its arrival. For many, the colder months come with more than just icy temperatures and shorter days—they bring an unwelcome companion: seasonal depression.

Is Your Child Safe Online? What Every Parent Needs to Know
Alright, parents, let’s cut to the chase: if you want your kids to grow up resilient, emotionally healthy, and able to handle the world out there, you cannot afford to be passive about their online safety. This is not a suggestion; it's a necessity.

Let’s Talk About Suicide
Suicide. It’s a word people tend to avoid, isn’t it? It makes people uncomfortable, squirm in their seats, or change the subject. But let’s be real: avoiding the conversation doesn’t make the problem go away. It only makes it worse. And we’re not here for that. We’re here to face the hard stuff head-on, no bullshit, no pretending everything is fine when it’s not. So, let’s talk about it.

Find Peace in the Pain: The Uncomfortable Truth You Need to Hear
Pain sucks. There’s no way around it. Whether it’s emotional, physical, or mental—it can crush you. We all know the feeling of being stuck in the thick of it, like quicksand pulling you under. But here’s the reality: pain is inevitable. What isn’t inevitable is how you respond to it.

Build a Support Network: Don’t Wait Until You Need It
Resilience isn’t a skill you just "have" — it’s a muscle. You have to work it, feed it, and strengthen it just like your body. But here’s the problem: most people don’t realize their resilience is weak until life knocks them down, and they find out the hard way they have no strength left to get back up.

Myth: People with Mental Health Conditions Can Just "Snap Out of It."
Myth: People with Mental Health Conditions Can Just "Snap Out of It."
Fact: Mental health issues often require professional treatment and support; they are not something one can simply will away.
Breaking the Stigma
The Hayden Hurst Story
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It is estimated that 48.6% of students between the ages of 10-24 experience a mental health crisis. It is additionally estimated that 60% of these effected go uncared for in anyway. It is our belief that this happens when the natural result of mental illness or crisis is isolation, because it is misunderstood or stigmatized. The second leading cause of death in this age group is suicide and it is actually the number one cause of death among 14 & 15 year old American teens.
If you don’t quit you win is led by successful professionals who are willing to share their compelling stories and experiences helping these champions believe that Mental Illness does not mean you can not be successful in every area of your life.
Your generous support allows us to fulfill our 4 step process:
Motivating young people through school assemblies and seminars
Mentoring young people through weekly phone calls with our approved mentors and monthly online huddles with other young people of similar interests facing the same challenges. Monitored and led by one of our adult coaches.
Partnering with parents to support family plans and strategies to build champion successful young people with or without mental illness.
Resourcing School Administrators, Teachers and Coaches with seminars on how to support and motivate this large demographic as well as weekly support materials.