3 Things I Wish I Knew About Mental Health In High School (And 1 Thing I Wish Adults Knew)

We all remember the challenges and difficulties of high school––even before the internet and social media! Raising a child today is hard; it doesn’t come with a manual, and often, we feel like we are winging it.

We know kids today are dealing with heavy subjects––cyber-bullying, body shaming, community violence, abuse, neglect, unstable home lives, drug exposure, sexual identity, immigration issues, and more.

Kids can be moody, hard to read, and don’t always want to talk. Emotions are a basic part of the human experience, but sometimes we struggle with how to deal with them effectively. Kids aren’t any different.

While access to mental health information is becoming more available in the age of information, we know that there is still a gap in mental health resources and information for teens and young adults.

What I wish I could tell my younger self in high school:

  • It's OK if you get a bad grade on a test. If you keep worrying about it, it will prevent you from ever moving past it. You can still succeed in the class with a few bad tests. Communicate openly with your teacher about it and learn from past tests.

  • I wish that I had known that fighting depression would be the hardest battle I’d have to fight. I wish I would have convinced my parents that it was imperative that I get counseling, and I went to a psychiatrist. I wish I had known that I’m worth more than a grade, a test score, or an award. This is what I would say to my younger self: you are worthy and your journey deserves to be heard.

  • Self-worth does not come from a “like”, a compliment, a grade, an applause, or a girl liking you. Confidence comes from yourSELF––about recognizing your negative and positive qualities, about your genuine interests, and about your potential. I wish I knew that there was no need to compare myself to anyone. Instead my cares should have been reserved for what was important and mattered to me in my life. Accomplishments don’t define you; overcoming insecurities and challenges is what builds character.

One thing I wish adults knew:

  • I wish [teachers and parents] knew that my struggles can’t be clearly explained in words. Sometimes emotions are so strong that they control everything I do, and I don’t really have a say. In these times, please be patient with me.

It’s hard to know how to approach a young person who is struggling with issues you may not understand or relate to. However, it’s important not to ignore it.

Encourage communication, let that person know that they can talk to you, and provide them with an environment that is safe and supportive.

Listen. Try not to overreact. And remember what it was like to be a teenager.

Oftentimes they need your help, but don’t know quite how to ask for it. Be patient, but address serious issues directly.

By providing supportive environments and teaching children and teens to recognize their emotions and address them in healthy ways, we can change and save lives.

If you don’t quit you win

If you don’t quit you win exists to motivate and mentor young people with mental health challenges. To partner with parents. To resource administrators, teachers, and coaches.


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