A friendly kick in the butt! #HOPE

May I be your friend and yank you up on your feet today? Yes? Read on:

Listen to me closely, if you don't have hope you don't have anything. The first level to success in any area of your life is hope. You have to see it! You have to believe that you can. You deserve it. Before you’ll ever have it you have to have hope for it! More than a budget, or an opportunity, you need hope! Don't give up, hope. Nobody else has to believe in you, you have to believe in you. Nobody else has to see you dream you have to see your dream. Why!? Because its yours. 

I don't expect you to believe in me like I believe in me. Hope. Your biggest problem is you want someone to support your dream and have hope for you. You need to have hope! If you want it to happen get your butt up and make it happen. If you want it to happen hope and rise. 

I had a speech therapist tell my mom when I was kid that I would never speak well enough to speak publicly and that she should steer me away from careers that required public speaking. Here I am at 45, I have had the honor of speaking in schools, universities, youth centers, open-air crusades, prisons, homeless shelters, public auditoriums, underground churches and free churches in twenty countries to all races and ages. From youth detention to death row, rural to inner city to over a million people. Why? HOPE. 

The people who have succeeded have succeeded in life because there was something that was going wrong in their life and they took that pain and they turned that pain into something. You cant party the pain away, you cant play the pain away, you cant just pause life until the pain goes away, you have to be persistent enough to turn that pain into something and the first step is hope. If you don't have hope, you don't have nothing. 

I want my sons and daughter to have a better life than I had, I don’t want them to have to fight like I fought, there going to have enough fights of their own. How possibly could I do it? Hope. What is your alarm clock that will wake you up to begin again? Hope.  You are not going to chill your way to your dreams. It’s going to hurt, it might be lonely but in the end it will be worth it. Hope. Looking for your why in life? Hope. 

I know your tired, I know you put in the work, I know your ready to give up. You read the book, you struggled, you given up and began again, what if today is the day everything changes!? Hope. You might have to get the point where enough is enough, where it hurts really bad, but if you hope the story is not over. 

The miracle is in the direction of your hope. Opportunities are in the direction of your hope. Doors will open in the direction of your hope. Ive never met a pessimist who change the world because their always running from hope. You can not quit. You are almost there. Hope. Do you want things to be different? Make a decision today to hope.

“God has a purpose for your pain, a reason for your struggles and a reward for your faithfulness. Dont give up.” -Eric Thomas

If you don’t quit you win

If you don’t quit you win exists to motivate and mentor young people with mental health challenges. To partner with parents. To resource administrators, teachers, and coaches.


Hope on Hilltop


How coaches can tackle mental health stigma