Attack 2024: A Plan for Fearless Living

Hey resilient warriors, parents, and educators! As we stand on the brink of a new year, it's time to seize the initiative, to charge into 2024 like it's our battleground. No more tip-toeing – let's attack the year head-on, demanding the victory we deserve. So, strap in, because we're about to craft a battle plan for audacious living.

1. Launch an Assault on Fear

Fear doesn't stand a chance this year. It's time to launch an all-out assault. Identify your fears, stare them down, and declare, "You won't control my narrative!" Fear, prepare to be overpowered; we're sending you into retreat.

2. Engage the Uncomfortable Head-On

Growth doesn't blossom in the comfort zone; it thrives in the heat of discomfort. Instead of shying away from challenges, let's charge at them like a charging bull. This year, we're not just facing challenges; we're dominating them.

3. Smash the Mold with Radical Originality

Who says you have to fit into a predefined mold? It's time to break through with radical originality. Your uniqueness isn't a flaw; it's a weapon. This year, let's not just color outside the lines – let's obliterate the lines.

4. Launch Verbal Bombs of Truth

In a world full of filters and façades, unleash verbal bombs of truth. Let your voice resonate, even if it shakes. If something ignites your passion, shout it like a battle cry. Your truth is a rallying call for others searching for their voice.

5. Dream Big Enough to Scare You

Why settle for the ordinary when you can unleash an avalanche of extraordinary dreams? Dream big, dream outrageously. Your aspirations should roar like an avalanche, shaking the foundations of the status quo. Jot down those colossal goals and let them cascade down, creating a powerful force of ambition.

6. Flip Adversity the Bird (Again)

Life may throw lemons your way, but it's time for a counter-attack. Instead of making lemonade, juggle those lemons like grenades. Adversity isn't a roadblock; it's an enemy waiting for your strategic maneuvers. Show life your resilience and turn setbacks into victories. And yes, flip adversity the bird (again)!

7. Form an Unstoppable Alliance

Even the fiercest warriors need an alliance. Surround yourself with those who elevate you, who see your potential when doubt creeps in. Forge connections with fellow warriors – parents, educators, and kindred spirits – who understand the battle and cheer for the victories.

Launch a Full-Scale Assault on 2024

There you have it – a bold battle plan for attacking 2024 like a fortress. It's time to be outspoken, bold, and confident because you, my fellow warrior, are a powerhouse of resilience. The challenges may be fierce, but so is your resolve. Let's launch a full-scale assault on 2024, leaving behind a legacy of radical originality, strength, and unapologetic living.

Here's to a year of fearlessness, triumphs, and attacking every challenge with a warrior's spirit. Let's charge into 2024, leaving a trail of audacious living in our wake.

Stay fierce my friends, Shannon

P.S. Share your battle plans and war cries below. Let's conquer 2024 together!

If you don’t quit you win

If you don’t quit you win exists to motivate and mentor young people with mental health challenges. To partner with parents. To resource administrators, teachers, and coaches.

Tough Times Together


Celebrate Your Wins: A Resilient Approach to Ringing in the New Year