If You Don’t Quit You Win!

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FINISH WHAT YOU START (after failure)

You’ve heard it from friends, parents, bosses, billboards, or that quiet nagging friend living in your mind - FINISH WHAT YOU START. It is a pretty agreed-upon quality for a healthy and successful life, school, business, or relationship. But what if we tried and failed?

In our journey through life, we often encounter setbacks and failures that can leave us feeling disheartened and questioning our ability to succeed. Yet, it's during these challenging moments that our resilience is truly put to the test. I believe that resilience is not just about bouncing back from failure, but also about finding the strength to finish what we've started, despite the obstacles in our path.

Remember, failure doesn't define you. It's an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Perseverance is key—push through doubts and fears, adapt, and keep moving forward.

So, when you hit a bump, take a knee, call a timeout, regroup, and summon your inner strength. Because success isn't about avoiding failure; it's about getting back up and finishing what you started. You've got this! Keep your eyes on the prize, and let nothing stand in the way of your dreams.