Helping Your Teen Live a Fulfilling Life

A basketball game is only exciting to watch because there are boundaries. If they illuminated the out of bounds line on a basketball court the game would evolve into chaos. The boundaries are there to keep the game exciting and help the teams to fulfill the objective.

In the same way, setting boundaries for your teen is an important part of parenting. Boundaries help teens understand what is expected of them, keep them safe, and teach them self-discipline and self-control. And ultimately help develop skills necessary for living a fulfilling life. Here are some tips for setting boundaries for your teen:

  1. Be clear and consistent: When setting boundaries, be clear about your expectations and consequences. Make sure your teen understands what is expected of them and what the consequences will be if they violate the boundaries. Be consistent in enforcing the boundaries to help your teen understand that they are non-negotiable.

  2. Involve your teen in the process: Involve your teen in the process of setting boundaries. Ask for their input and give them some say in the rules that are set. This can help them feel more invested in the rules and more likely to follow them.

  3. Focus on behavior, not your teen: When enforcing boundaries, focus on your teen's behavior rather than your teen as a person. For example, instead of saying "You are lazy," say "I need you to complete your chores before using your phone." This can help your teen understand that it is the behavior that is being addressed, not their character.

  4. Be flexible: Be open to adjusting boundaries as your teen grows and changes. As your teen demonstrates responsibility and maturity, you may be able to loosen some boundaries. Similarly, if your teen violates a boundary, you may need to tighten the boundary temporarily.

  5. Explain the reasons behind the boundaries: When setting boundaries, explain the reasons behind them. For example, if you have a curfew for your teen, explain that it is to keep them safe and to ensure that they get enough sleep. This can help your teen understand the importance of the boundaries and be more likely to follow them.

  6. Be a positive role model: Be a positive role model for your teen by following the same boundaries you set for them. If you expect your teen to limit screen time, for example, make sure you are also limiting your own screen time.

Remember that setting boundaries for your teen is an ongoing process. Be patient and consistent, and be willing to adjust the boundaries as needed. With clear, consistent boundaries, your teen can develop self-discipline and self-control, and be more likely to make good choices.

If you don’t quit you win

If you don’t quit you win exists to motivate and mentor young people with mental health challenges. To partner with parents. To resource administrators, teachers, and coaches.

HOPE. It ain’t over…


When Life Hurts