If You Don’t Quit You Win!

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HEY YOU! Yeah you, Get Outside!

For me there is something soothing about the sound of ocean waves, the smell of salt water, and the feeling of warm sand under my feet. Shoot I even love the salty feeling on my skin after I leave. I know the beach isn’t for everyone, but I am a huge believer that everyone has a “place”. A place that fills your emotional and mental tank, a place that makes you genuinely happy and brings you peace. Full disclosure. Im not really an “outdoorsy” guy. Im a city boy. I love the sound of traffic and I get energy from the crowds. But in my mental health journey I have discovered the beach is my place. Where is your place? Recent studies prove that a beach or mountain or outdoor space (green or blue spaces) environment can have a profound impact on our brains and mental health. Your place may be a park or a walk around the block. But this Im sure, you have a place.

Although few people deny the importance of brain health, most of us don't focus as much effort on taking care of our brains as we do our bodies. The misnomer that physical fitness trumps mental health is at our detriment. The reality is that we need balance, both mentally and physically.

There is a mountain of evidence that proves being outside has a direct positive benefit to our mental health. So, here’s my advice. Get to the brain gym soon and lay in the sand. 

Win the Day!