How to Talk to Your Friends About Your Mental Illness

Talking to friends about mental illness can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience. Here are some steps that can help:

1. Choose a good time and place: Select a time when you and your friend are both relaxed and free from distractions.

2. Be honest and direct: Explain your mental illness, how it affects you, and why you want to talk about it with them.

3. Share what helps you: Let your friend know what kind of support you need and what has helped you in the past.

4. Listen to their response: Give your friend time to ask questions and respond. Don't feel obligated to answer anything you're uncomfortable with, but try to be open and honest.

5. Be patient: Your friend may need time to process what you've shared. Be patient and understanding if they need more time to ask questions or react.

6. Remember that everyone is different: Each person's experience with mental illness is unique, and every friend will respond differently. Try not to be discouraged if some people are not able to provide the support you need.

Remember, it takes courage to talk about mental illness, and it's okay to seek support from others, including mental health professionals.

If you don’t quit you win

If you don’t quit you win exists to motivate and mentor young people with mental health challenges. To partner with parents. To resource administrators, teachers, and coaches.

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