(Mom & Dad, bribe your child to read this!). Focus on how you want to live, not what you want to do

"To be honest with you, I am sitting on my hotel balcony right now with my wife overlooking Waikiki Beach in Hawaii on an amazing vacation."

Ironically, even though I am on "vacation", I have worked the majority of the day. When I say work, I have spent most of the time on my phone dealing with real estate agents, loan officers, home buyers, and home sellers. I have negotiated two successful contracts which in turn allow me to provide for my family. Do I really want to work on vacation? No. But would I rather have my butt plopped in an office chair going about the 9-5 grind and having to ask permission to take my 10 days off of work a year...ABSOLUTELY NOT.

7 years ago I worked at a coffee shop and was still trying to figure out the question a lot of 20-somethings have, which is, "What do I want to do for a living?". I'll never forget talking to a customer I only met once and he told me not to focus so much on what I want to do for a living, but how I want to live. That was an absolute game changer for me in my thinking pattern about my career.

My degree is in Exercise Science. Is what I am doing for my career right now related to anything that has to do with exercise? No. My passion is endurance sports training and health sciences. Does my vocation involve any of that? Not in the slightest bit. If I worked in a field I was truly passionate about, would it allow me to live my life how I want? Not at all. I want to be able to go on vacations with my family. I want to be at home as much as humanly possible with my daughter. I want to be able to buy carbon fiber road bikes that cost more than a lot of used cars. I want to be able to do what I want, essentially when I want. And Real Estate is something that has allowed me to do that. But let me be clear when I say it is NOT my dream job.

I want to encourage any young person this evening that is struggling in High School about what college to go to and what to study. There is a 99% chance that what you want to do for a living now is going to change. The amount of change the brain goes through from the ages of 18-24 is astonishing. The very fact the pressure exists to have a career picked out in High School is sickening. I want to encourage the college student who is struggling in their major asking themselves if they picked the right one...most likely, probably not. And that is OKAY. You are a unique human living a unique human experience.

Ask yourself, what do you value? What do you believe in? What do you want to be known by? What are your passions outside of responsibilities? Most likely, the job you have in mind right now is not going to check all of those boxes. A job is a job. I still have yet to meet someone who says that they love their job so much that they feel like they don't work a day in their lives. To be honest, I think that is total horse crap. I absolutely love swimming, cycling, and running. But let me tell you, some days the training feels like WORK. You can have the dream career and the perfect situation, but it is still going to be work.

Why do I say all this? You are going to be okay. Your job is going to be okay. You are not locked in to what you want to do now for the rest of your life. Take chances, take on new experiences, and test yourself in new things you never thought you would try. It might just work out in your favor shifting your trajectory to a career that you never would have thought of.

Darian Broadhead

Darian has been teaching, coaching, and mentoring in his community for the past 18 years. He is active in his community's local schools, churches, and non-profits. He started coaching little league teams at the local YMCA at the age of 14 and continues to coach athletes of all ages and abilities.

He graduated from Central Washington University with a focus on exercise science and nutrition.

During his Junior year of college in the spring of 2010 Darian suffered his first panic attack which over the following months would morph into Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

After years of different medications and therapies Darian has found that his post potent prescription has been intentional self care, positive habit formation, and quite frankly, pushing himself further both mentally and physically then he ever would have dreamed of.

In Spite of his mental illness, Darian has formed a beautiful family with his wife and daughter, has built a successful real estate career, and thanks to the discipline he learned from training and competing in Ironman Triathlons, has been able to function daily at a high capacity.

Darian's belief is that those who suffer from mental illness, specifically anxiety disorders, can still live normal and 100% fulfilled lives. He can not describe how many times he has prayed for a "sliver bullet" to "fix" his mental illness. He has learned most of the time that is not an option for a solution in anything in life. The solutions involve well rounded, strategic, and difficult choices that you make over, and over, and then over again.

Don't ever underestimate the power of learning to be consistent. It's often the case that it's not those who go the fastest that win, but those that slow down the least.


Success Saturday - Pete Davidson


LESS STRESS, a plan for a more peaceful life