If You Don’t Quit You Win!

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Open letter of hope from our founder, Shannon Kapp

My friends and fellow sojourners, 

From one person who knows how dark life can seem and at the same time know the relief that one moment of hope can bring. My hope for you today is: May you find hope on your journey. May you never give into the lie that lost hope means no hope but in the moments where hope is fleeting may you renavagate your heart in hopes direction.  If you find yourself today in the darkness of difficulty may your difficulty inspire you to hope that the light of life is yours. May we all be people who learn from our past but never allow it to define our todays or our futures believing that truly the best of our lives is the rest of our lives. May we all consider the gifts of faith, our fellow friends, family, neighbors and strangers who are in our lives and offer us hope. May we consider the security that we don't have to go through life alone and all we may need is one person who believes in us and the untapped potential of our lives. And if today you today feel alone know, I, Shannon B. Kapp believe in you. Wether we have ever talked to each other or not, I believe in you! And Its not some sympathetic feel sorry for you belief. It’s a, I have been in your shoes and I know the path to hope. The path is one step at a time. Your journey will have set backs, disappointments, and failures. But your journey will also have step ups, successes and victories. So pick up your head, lift up your eyes choose today to look at the beauty of life around you. The breath in your lungs, the beauty of the warm sun, that one friend who picks up the phone, the one beautiful memory that you cherish, the talent you have, the music you love and that warm cup of coffee in your hand. All symbols and trophies that prove you are beyond capable of enjoying this life and taking in the signs of hope around you. If you find yourself questioning today the value of your life, it just takes one step. One step in hopes direction and hope will rush in. That first step takes courage and a commitment, but you got this you beautiful bad ass! Now Go! Go in peace, Go in love, Go in Hope and outlive the potential of your past and live up to the promise of your future. 

My dream and expectation for you today is that your eyes would be open to all the good and all the beauty in your life, that you would sense the Light of Life shining on you today and know that you are never alone, that you would see how strong, resilient and courageous you are, that you would find peace in each step you take, and that you would find someone to share your hope with today.

Now go win the day!
