The Wall Street Journal published and article written by Dr. Gortzen, titled: The Secrets of Resilience. The article is about a study done in 1962 of 400 famous 20th century men and women who had at least 2 biographies and made a positive contribution to the world. What the study revealed is that less a than 15% were raised in supportive untroubled homes. 10% were raised in a mixed setting some trouble and some support. While 75% (300) grew up in a family of severe problems, poverty, abuse, absent parents, alcoholism, serious illness, or some other misfortune. Dr. Gortzen is quoted saying “The normal man is not a likely candidate for the hall of fame”

Opposition and rejection are not a disqualification to hope. The no’s in life are strengthening you and making your life more beautiful. And if you will allow them to, they will point you in the direction of your dreams and activate the hope that will strengthen you to overcome any obstacle in your way.

You and I must determine to outlast and outlive the rejection in life.

Maybe your in a pit today, and before you curse the pit, consider it might be part of the plan to develop the hope you need to fulfill your dreams. Hope in our life is often activated in seems like the wrong place but just might be the right “place”. You my friend are in the right place let hope be activated in you today.

“It is because of hope that you suffer. It is through hope that you’ll change things” Maxime Lagacé

If you don’t quit you win

If you don’t quit you win exists to motivate and mentor young people with mental health challenges. To partner with parents. To resource administrators, teachers, and coaches.


Be Well Be Heard Be There


Hope on Hilltop