If You Don’t Quit You Win!

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Three Metaphors For Understanding Grief

Walking through grief can be a bit like a marathon, except there’s no clear finish line, and you’re constantly running with a weighted backpack full of emotions. It’s important to remember to pace yourself and take breaks when necessary. If you need to take a pit stop and ugly cry in the bathroom, go for it. Sometimes, the best way to walk through grief is to crawl for a little while.

Grief can also be like a rollercoaster ride, with sudden ups and downs that can leave you feeling dizzy and disoriented. One moment, you might be laughing at a fond memory of your loved one, and the next, you’re crying into your ice cream. It’s okay to ride the wave of emotions and let them wash over you. Just remember to hold on tight and keep your hands inside the ride at all times.

Finally, walking through grief is like walking through a crowded room with a giant elephant following you. You can feel the elephant’s presence, but everyone else seems to be oblivious. It’s important to remember that everyone’s grief is unique, and just because others may not understand your elephant, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask for support when you need it. After all, the elephant in the room won’t disappear on its own.