Three Simple Life Hacks to Being a More Hopeful Person

Being hopeful is like being on a rollercoaster. One minute you're up; the next minute, you're down, and sometimes you feel like you're going to throw up.

But that's the beauty of it, isn't it? Being hopeful means believing that good things can happen even when it feels like the universe is conspiring against you. It's like betting on a long-shot at the horse races and then being pleasantly surprised when your horse actually wins.

Of course, there are times when being hopeful can backfire. Like when you're waiting for a package to arrive and you keep checking the tracking number even though you know it won't be delivered for another two days. Or when you're in line at the DMV, and you're convinced that the wait won't be so bad this time. (Spoiler alert: it always is.)

But despite the occasional disappointment, being hopeful is still worth it. It's like having a secret superpower that makes you believe anything is possible. And when good things do happen, it's like getting a big, warm hug from life.

So, if you're feeling down or discouraged, try to be hopeful. Believe that things will get better, that the sun will come out tomorrow, and that unicorns are real (okay, maybe not that last one). And who knows, maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised by what the day has in store for you.

Here are three simple life hacks for you to try today.

1. Start your day with gratitude: Each morning, take a moment to think about three things you're grateful for. This can help shift your focus to the positive things in your life and cultivate a more optimistic outlook.

2. Surround yourself with positive people: Spend time with people who uplift and inspire you. Being around negative people can bring you down, so it's essential to surround yourself with individuals who encourage you to be hopeful and optimistic.

3. Practice positive self-talk: Our internal dialogue can significantly impact our mood and outlook. Practice speaking kindly to yourself, even in challenging situations. Encourage yourself and focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. This can help you maintain a hopeful perspective and build resilience.

Now, go WIN THE DAY!

If you don’t quit you win

If you don’t quit you win exists to motivate and mentor young people with mental health challenges. To partner with parents. To resource administrators, teachers, and coaches.

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