Back to School Anxiety. PARENT EDITION

It’s pretty easy to recognize the back-to-school jitters that emerge in children this time of year, but what’s less commonly understood are the anxieties that parents exhibit during this stressful transition period, especially in light of pandemics, school violence, volatile economy, etc.

Here are five ways to ease your child’s worries while ensuring your own peace of mind.

1. Prepare early for a significant schedule change.

Summer is the time for kicking back, barbecues, relaxed schedules, and sleeping in. Typically, the start of the school year signifies a more rigid schedule between school itself, homework, and clubs or sports. To make this transition a little less complicated, start easing into a more structured schedule one to two weeks before the first day of school. Reestablish a regular bedtime, lay out clothes and meals the night before, and have breakfast together as a family.

 2. Talk it out.

Talking to your child is always helpful in gauging how your son or daughter is feeling. When they express anxieties about returning to school, it’s best to acknowledge their fears are valid. Instead of offering a blanket statement like “everything will be fine,” assure them that every one of their classmates feels the same way they do. Remind them of how nervous they were on the first day of school the year before, but after just a few days, they loved their classroom, teacher, and new friends. Tell them you also got nervous about your first day of school or a job

3. Stay calm.

Your child’s nerves may mirror your anxieties about the upcoming fall challenges. Your workload increases, you find time to help with homework and carpooling, and you’re worried your child won’t like their teacher or, worse, that they’ll be bullied. It’s essential to remain calm and collected. Your child is looking to you for reassurance and encouragement, so try to keep your own anxieties in check.

4. Get together with friends.

Arranging time between your child and a familiar face from school before the first day can improve a child’s emotional and academic adjustment. Remembering that they’re not alone will ease their worries and relax their minds. Plus, you can chat with a fellow parent about how their family handles the transition.

5. Know the signs of a more serious problem.

While many children experience nerves in the coming weeks before school, parents should also be aware of warning signs indicating prolonged anxiety. Some symptoms include changes in eating habits, problems sleeping, excessive clinginess, increased irritability, social isolation, tantrums, or headaches. Consider consulting a professional if these behaviors persist longer than two weeks. Many children can work through back-to-school anxiety individually, but when it interferes with daily living, it’s time to seek help. 

Remember, you can set the tone for how your child approaches this new school year. But you also set the tone and stigma of how they understand mental health. So you got this, mom or dad! Win the day!

If you don’t quit you win

If you don’t quit you win exists to motivate and mentor young people with mental health challenges. To partner with parents. To resource administrators, teachers, and coaches.

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