Just Eat Something!

Okay, I have to make a confession before you read on. This post needs to be accredited to our “by default in house health guru” Erin Kenyon. She is one of our story tellers at If You Don’t Quit You Win, and the CEO of a global health, fitness and food business. And if I’m really being honest (because I’m on the other side of the world) my welcomed annoyance of health! Lol. If I had a $1 for every time she’s asked me about my sleep, food or exercise I would have more than a few bucks!

I know the title sounds pretty kindergarten, but I’ve included as an important post in this blog because it’s something I often have to remind myself.

I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of getting into a work tunnel while running on adrenaline and caffeine, only to come up for air at dinner time and realize that you missed breakfast and lunch. Add this to all the societal weirdness that we’ve all internalized about eating and food, and it’s understandable that so many of us are skipping meals, especially on busy school or work days.

But going too long without eating can really make you cranky and unproductive. Studies have shown a correlation between skipping meals, especially breakfast, and negative mental health impacts.

But if you missed having a healthy breakfast, or you need a pick-me-up midday, it doesn’t mean you should reach for the fast energy of junk food. Healthy food is much more likely to provide sustainable energy and improve your mood and work performance. Studies have also found that workers who ate five portions of fruits and vegetables per day had 25% better work performance.

I know we’re all busy, and we don’t always have time for the meal and snack prep that we put on our calendars for every Sunday, but never manage to do. So here are a few snack recommendations for when you feel your energy and your mood flagging during the day. I tried to keep them friendly for as many dietary needs and preferences as possible.

Baby carrots or celery with hummus (you can again thank Erin for this one). This is a quick dipping situation that is packed with vitamins, protein and fiber.

Customized trail mix. One of my favorite things to do is hit Whole Foods and pack a bunch of bags of bulk ingredients to make my own special trail mix blend. I love being able to customize what I like and want in terms of energy and nutrition. And if I’m being honest, it’s actually just super fun to pour them all into my giant jar and have my week’s munchies at the ready. Try chocolate chips for that extra kick of energy.

Avocados! A half an avocado is almost a perfect snack, packed with good, healthy fats! (Don’t be afraid of fats! We need them!) I like to slice it criss-cross, like a hash-tag, then pour some lemon pepper on it. (Thanks Bagel Shack, San Clemente for the inspo)

Remember, your mind needs fuel. Whether you are feeling down or just lagging behind in your energy levels, ask yourself when you last ate something healthy, and get your body what it needs!

Now, Go Win The Day!

If you don’t quit you win

If you don’t quit you win exists to motivate and mentor young people with mental health challenges. To partner with parents. To resource administrators, teachers, and coaches.


On A Scale Of 1 to 10…


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