PTSD Confessions

Less: “You can do anything you put your mind to.”

More: “It’s okay and completely understandable if you’re struggling to do the things you want and need to due to your diagnosis and it isn’t your fault if some things are hard or seem impossible right now.”

Less: “You’re limitless.”

More: “Everybody has limits and you’re not a failure if your diagnosis gives you limits that most people don’t have. Having limits and learning to accommodate them is a natural, important and healthy thing.

Less: “Change your attitude, change your life.”

More: “Your diagnosis and how it impacts your life isn’t an attitude problem and getting better is much more complicated than thinking positive thoughts and that’s okay.”

Less: “Stay positive and you’ll be happy.”

More: “It’s okay to struggle with negative emotions and nobody can be positive all the time. Struggling to stay positive doesn’t make you a weak person.”

Less: “You have so many wonderful reasons to live.”

More: “Your life is valuable and you deserve to be here even if it feels like you don’t have many reasons to live right now - cause you’ll find those reasons along the way.”

Less: “Remember that life is amazing!”

More: “Your life may suck right now but that doesn’t mean it won’t be worth it in the long run.”

Less empty platitudes, more compassion.

If you don’t quit you win

If you don’t quit you win exists to motivate and mentor young people with mental health challenges. To partner with parents. To resource administrators, teachers, and coaches.

If you’re going to share the rah rah, at least include the how


7 Things to Stop Worrying About