Raising Resilient Teens: Embracing Challenges and Fostering Grit
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

Raising Resilient Teens: Embracing Challenges and Fostering Grit

As parents, we all want to raise resilient teenagers who can tackle life's challenges with confidence and determination. It's a journey filled with ups and downs, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Today, we're going to explore the wisdom and insights gained over the last 30 years of being a parent as well as leading and encouraging teenagers. We'll share four profound truths about both quitters and winners that can guide us in our mission to nurture resilience in our teens.

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Failure is NOT an Option... Unless You Want to Succeed
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

Failure is NOT an Option... Unless You Want to Succeed

Oh, you gotta love those motivational quotes that paint failure as the enemy! "Failure is not an option," they say. Well, newsflash: failure is not only an option, failure is as natural as breathing! Trying to run away from it is like trying to outrun your own shadow.

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Unleash Your Inner Warrior: Navigating Life's Challenges with Resilience
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

Unleash Your Inner Warrior: Navigating Life's Challenges with Resilience

Hey warriors, you have the strength, courage, and resilience to conquer any challenge that comes your way. By embracing the suck, fighting for a positive mindset, developing coping strategies, learning from failure, and setting audacious goals, you'll unleash your inner warrior and thrive in the face of adversity.

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Free Emotional & Mental Health Resources to Help Your Teen Thrive This Summer
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

Free Emotional & Mental Health Resources to Help Your Teen Thrive This Summer

With the school year ending and summer fast approaching, summer can be difficult for teenagers' emotional and mental health.

Several free mental and emotional health resources are available for teenagers throughout the year, but they could be valuable resources this summer to maintain mental and emotional health. Here are some options:

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Three Metaphors For Understanding Grief
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

Three Metaphors For Understanding Grief

Everyone experiences grief along the journey of life. Here are three metaphors to better understand grief and some tips on how to respond.

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 Baby Steps
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

Baby Steps

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the thought of achieving a big goal? Do you feel like you're not making progress, no matter how hard you try?

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Supporting Your Friend Through A Tough Time
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

Supporting Your Friend Through A Tough Time

If you have a friend going through a tough time, an emotional crisis, a loss or just having a bad day it can be tough to know how to support them. However, there are several things you can do to help your friend get through this difficult time. Here are some tips:

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Winning Coach - Winning Team - Winning Student-Athletes
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

Winning Coach - Winning Team - Winning Student-Athletes

Hey coach, after over two decades of coaching high school athletes in various sports and being a motivational speaker to over 2,000,000 students in my life. What if I told you I know the most important key to 

  1. A winning season.

  2. A winning student-athlete.

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#%@&! The Stigma
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

#%@&! The Stigma

Someone you love, value, and care deeply about has a mental illness.

It is mathematically impossible that this is not true.

According to the national institute of health: one out of 4 adults has some form of mental illness. And almost half of kids between ages 10-23 will experience a mental health crisis.

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Social Media and Mental Health: How to Keep Your Sanity in the Age of Likes and Shares
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

Social Media and Mental Health: How to Keep Your Sanity in the Age of Likes and Shares

Social media can be a minefield for our mental health, but it doesn't have to be. By taking breaks, unfollowing negativity, avoiding scrolling before bed, not comparing ourselves to others, setting boundaries, and seeking help when we need it, we can keep our sanity intact and enjoy the best parts of social media without the negative impact.

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Key to Conquering Panic Attacks
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

Key to Conquering Panic Attacks

The ultimate goal of mindfulness is to develop a greater sense of self-awareness and to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

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Throwing Rocks at Your Fears: How To Unlock Success By Confronting Fear Head On
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

Throwing Rocks at Your Fears: How To Unlock Success By Confronting Fear Head On

We've all been there– standing on the sidelines, paralyzed by fear and doubt, unable to take the leap. But what would happen if we faced our fears head-on? In this blog, we explore what success looks like when you throw your rocks at your fears and challenge yourself to reach further than before. Find out how unlocking your inner potential can help you unlock success with every step!

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How To Respond To Someone Who Is Suicidal: 7 Tips to Saving a Life
If you don’t quit you win If you don’t quit you win

How To Respond To Someone Who Is Suicidal: 7 Tips to Saving a Life

If someone you know is suicidal, it can be a really tough and confusing situation to deal with. You might not know what to say or do, and you might be feeling frightened, helpless, and unsure. But it’s important to remember that you are not alone and there are things you can do to help.

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Breaking the Stigma

The Hayden Hurst Story

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It is estimated that 48.6% of students between the ages of 10-24 experience a mental health crisis. It is additionally estimated that 60% of these effected go uncared for in anyway. It is our belief that this happens when the natural result of mental illness or crisis is isolation, because it is misunderstood or stigmatized. The second leading cause of death in this age group is suicide and it is actually the number one cause of death among 14 & 15 year old American teens.

If you don’t quit you win is led by successful professionals who are willing to share their compelling stories and experiences helping these champions believe that Mental Illness does not mean you can not be successful in every area of your life.

Your generous support allows us to fulfill our 4 step process:

  1. Motivating young people through school assemblies and seminars

  2. Mentoring young people through weekly phone calls with our approved mentors and monthly online huddles with other young people of similar interests facing the same challenges. Monitored and led by one of our adult coaches.

  3. Partnering with parents to support family plans and strategies to build champion successful young people with or without mental illness.

  4. Resourcing School Administrators, Teachers and Coaches with seminars on how to support and motivate this large demographic as well as weekly support materials.
